Checkout These 8 Different Types Of Bosses And How To Work With Them.


There are lots of things that may affect your work potential. One among these is your boss. knowing the kind of boss, you have is a very important step in cultivating knowledgeable relationships with them. In spite of everything, bosses can dictate whether your stay with the company is going to be pleasurable or not. Getting on the right foot with your boss is critical for your career as well as your well-being. Considering this, it is crucial that you get to know the different types of bosses to work well with them. Here are 10 differing kinds of bosses, and the how you’ll be able to relate with them.
First, the visionary bosses. Visionary bosses tend to think a lot about the company’s potential, and also the future. They can not only predict what’s going to be hot in future, but also make ambitious plans to get there. Visionary bosses are innovative and experimental. They need plenty of ideas about which direction the company can take. Such bosses typically look for employees who are quick to take initiative, are self-driven enough to create their own growth path. More often than not, they would want you to come up with plans to achieve your self-development goals, and based on that, give you the needed support.
In order for you to endear yourself to a visionary boss, always try and help them achieve their ambitions. Help them understand their goal by making contributions, and by following it on a daily basis. Be a decent listener, demonstrate enthusiasm, and don’t be afraid to take risks. You’ll make mistakes but learn from them. Visionary bosses will appreciate you more for your risk-taking approach – instead of fail-safe approach. It’s best to approach them with bigger business decisions than smaller day-to-day issues. The key to working with them is to know their vision and be resourceful in helping your team and also the organization work towards it. If everything works out well, they’ll have you ever to thank.
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Second, the Workaholic: is a manager who, even after breaks, continues to work overtime. They are generally very keen to complete tasks on time, and to do this they will recommend additional working hours. Many of them are rarely going on sick days, or taking leave of the office. Working under a workaholic manager is often stressful, especially if you’re not one. There’s a high chance it’ll greatly impact on your work life balance. If you would like to flourish under this kind of management, confirm you complete your deliverable on time. They’re going to have no reason to carry you back for more work.
Third, Micro Managers: These are dreaded in any workplace. Most bosses tend to become micro managers whenever the company is making losses. They will start concentrating on every single action you make, be it work or non-work related. They might concentrate on things like how long you took during lunch, what amount of work you’ve been able to deliver in a day or how much time you’ve spent on the phone, there is a very close monitoring. In such a situation, don’t take their over-involvement personally. Just do your work normally. If this is your boss type, the best solution is to make them busy. The only way to do this is by making sure you complete your work in time. They will have so much work to review that they will forget about micro managing.
Fourth, the traditionalists: These bosses tend to adhere to old company traditions, and they may mostly bring this up during meetings. They have probably been in the company for a very long time and they don’t take kindly to change. You should be careful never to argue with a traditionalist boss, always be receptive to their ideas. You never know, some of their archaic methods might actually work and yield good results. If ever there’s an easier way of executing a task, you can bring it to their attention in a polite manner. They don’t like to feel challenged. They’ll get more receptive to your ideas and opinions once they feel you’re receptive to theirs.
Fifth, the intimidator: These bosses are often called dictators as well. They resort to intimidation tactics, such as yelling, when communicating with their employees. They will definitely scold you if you fail to perform in a satisfactory manner. A good way to deal with managers like this is to make sure you do your work. Never give them reasons for shouting at you. Communicate with them about the work that you do if necessary, but don’t yield to their methods of coercion. They are going to come and thank you for that. As in the case of the micro-managers, never take it personally, It’s always about the job.
Sixth, the Unpredictable Boss: If you have an unpredictable boss, then there’s not much that you can do. These bosses’ actions are hard to predict. Although they may be happy with something today, tomorrow may not necessarily be the same. That means you’ll just have to break into a sweat every time you report to them. The only way you can try to alleviate their “unpredictability” is by making sure you are doing your job as expected.


Seventh, the Under-Qualified boss: This boss is one who is less educated than you, or knows little about the company and its processes. These bosses tend to be the creation of their own employees, since they will rely on you to provide information they might not be aware of. Never underestimate or undermine their power. Keep them close, and explain things they might not be aware of. Once they get up to speed with everything, they will have you to thank. If top management feels that they are underperforming, chances are you might be promoted to their position. It will always be a win-win situation for you.
Eighth, the Pacesetter: They mostly set challenges for their team to meet and expects the best outcome. They are not afraid to work hard to rescue a situation themselves. To work with such a boss, you should work hard and aim to be the best you can be, ask for clarifications on what you need to do and always share clear and regular progress updates.

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In conclusion, there isn’t anything that you can do to change your office boss. We do have to follow their own goals, and they must do their utmost to attain them. Be modest, and from these you will learn a lot. Whatever group they are in, there is one attribute that they have that you can come to appreciate.

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