Exclusive: Your Past Failures Shouldn’t Be A Summary of Regrets, But Lessons learned – Ms. Kimberly Ofori Shares With SammytheAuthor

Failure doesn’t automatically predict the outcome of our future. Just because you failed doesn’t necessarily mean you shouldn’t try again. Rise up after every fall. Your dreams are achievable. Don’t stop now, keep pushing. Today on Exclusives with SammytheAuthor, an Inspiring Ghanaian – Netherland based Serial Entrepreneur, shares with us, her life story and career as an Entrepreneur and Philanthropist . Checkout the Interview Below.

1: For the benefits of the people who might not know you, tell us a bit about yourself. (Background, Education, Career, etc.).

I was born and raised in the Netherlands by my Suriname mother and Ghanaian father. I have always been an advocate for self-education and lifelong learning. So after studying marketing and communications, I set out to educate myself on other topics that interest me such as, digital transformation, Design Thinking, Business strategy, and finance through programs from Boston University, Harvard Business School, and Oxford University.

I spent a few years in the banking and insurance industry until I moved to Dubai, where I started my consulting career. A few years after that, I traveled a bit in Europe before moving back to the Netherlands as an Entrepreneur. Aside from my businesses, I now work together with an amazing team at ScaleupNation on a mission to increase the odds for startups to scale successfully through research and innovative tools.

2: What’s the story behind your personality?

I think a lot of different life events and environmental factors play a role in one’s personality. At the core, I believe I am as much a dreamer as I am a realist, allowing me to approach life, relationships and decisions more holistically. It’s probably the reason why I connect well with different people and on all levels.

3: What has been your go-to-source when all hell is breaking loose in your life?

Reflection. I try to take time to reflect daily but, sometimes life gets tough. I usually decide to retreat, spend some time alone to clear my mind, write things down and re-energize. It’s such a powerful thing to meet your obstacles head-on with a clear mind, knowing exactly; what you’re going to do about it.

4: What triggered the idea to commence Growth Lab? Give us an overview of what you do.

Growth lab was born out of the idea to help more growth-stage startups to scale by focusing on specific elements of the scaling journey. Unlike an accelerator that tries to get everything patched up a bit and all at the same time we focus more on the successful execution of sprints on strategy or leadership; for instance, through growth programs. We are currently pivoting, however, and I’ll be able to share more about that soon.

5: Being a Woman Empowerment Enthusiast and Growth Strategist, what are some of the necessary steps to take as a young lady looking to build her brand? Anything shareable?

It’s funny, I never saw my personal brand as a thing to work on; Up until 2020, and I was happily doing the work on the background. It wasn’t until I had to face the fact that in the world of business, the same rules do not apply for (black) women as they do for men, I decided something had to change. I think the biggest insight for me was how powerful sharing your unique story is. It’s something so uniquely yours, that it will attract the right audiences in due time if you just keep showing up authentically.

6: What is your take on Social Entrepreneurship?

I am a strong supporter of social entrepreneurship initiatives. It will be great if we start to hype and support these initiatives as much as we do with new tech solutions that don’t necessarily solve any real-world problems. There is a shift happening, however, and I believe we will see more startups with a social impact focus in the next decade or so.

7: If you had the chance to turn back the hands of time, what would you have rectified in your business life?

I would have allowed myself to fail more. Try more things, involve more people earlier, and ask for help. However, it’s those elements of the entrepreneurial journey that you can only find out by learning. So in as much as; it would be nice to see where that would have taken me, I know for sure I wouldn’t be who I am today had I not done things exactly the way I did. So this is definitely not a summary of regrets, just lessons learned.

8: What has been your greatest fear ever since you started this walk?

The fear of failure. Funnily enough, not towards others by failure to meet my own expectations. I tend to set the bar for myself very high, and I think that’s good. I also know that not being able to meet my own expectations is something that I still find hard to deal with. The lesson for me in this is; about finding the balance between aiming for the moon and giving myself grace sometimes.

9: How can one transition his/her team to remote-working times of crisis.

Although it is always preferable to establish clear remote-work policies and training in advance, in times of crisis or other rapidly changing circumstances, this level of preparation may not be feasible. Recent developments have left many employees and their managers working out of the office and separated from each other for the very first time.

4 steps to remote work

Daily huddles:

The first thing that I recommend managers do is to establish daily check-ins or daily huddles. The morning huddle is a great way to get the team aligned on individual and company priorities for that day. The huddle is a really short meeting to share your number one or two priorities for that day, it is not a place to go over your to-do list. You will share your definition of done on those set priorities so that everyone understands exactly what you will be working on today and when this is considered to be done.

The huddle also functions as a way to recognise hurdles or bottlenecks that may get in the way of progress for that day – which then can easily be resolved on the spot by making use of the collective intelligence present – avoiding people getting stuck for hours trying to fix something all by themselves (which is killing for productivity). And I recommend doing this via a video conferencing tool always to keep that sense of human connection within the team.

Communication tools:

Secondly, provide several different communication options – because you will find that email alone is insufficient. When it’s time for deliberation, strategy sessions, team collaboration sessions or any type of meeting that will take on more than 10 minutes by the rule of thumb – use a video conferencing tool. Being able to see the visual cues of meeting participants allows for increased mutual knowledge that can be tapped into, and will help make meetings more effective.

Of course, there are other circumstances when quick collaboration is more important than visual detail. And for these situations, provide mobile-enabled individual messaging tools like Slack, which can be used for simpler conversations as well as time-sensitive communication. And then you can make use of project management and tracking tools such as Monday, Trello, or Asana.

Click on this link: How to transition Your Team to Remote Work in times of Crisis

10: Any challenges faced coming up as an Entrepreneur?

Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. It is a long and hard journey that will stretch you on all levels. I personally found being patient and trusting the process when you are building your business the hardest, part, especially when you are the only person who believes this is going to work. They say it’s lonely at the top, and at some points, it truly is. That’s why it’s important to be careful who you surround yourself with; your circle plays a big part in how far you will go.

Join Mr. Justice Offei Jr, Managing Director, Sikadan, As He Speaks At This Year’s Variance Africa Entrepreneurs Forum. Don’t Miss It!

Join us on Bold Conversations for Shaping and Nurturing High Growth Entrepreneurs at this year’s edition of the Variance Africa Entrepreneurs Forum scheduled to hold this month.

Meet Justice Offei Jr @justiceoffeijr Managing Director, SIKADAN, Award Winning Entrepreneur, Tony Elumelu 40 under 40 Entrepreneur and Business Coach as he shares his wealth of knowledge and expertise on the panel topic:

Fundraising for Startups and Growth Businesses.

Date: 21st November, 2020

Time: 10:00AM – 1:00PM

Venue: Workshed Spintex Whitehouse, 2nd Floor Republic Bank Building

Kindly visit http: //bit.ly/VAEntrepreneursForum to register.

For more information visit our website: http://www.varianceconsultltd.com

Meet Broadcast Journalist, Jennifer Ami Amlade, The Moderator For This Year’s Variance Africa Entrepreneurs Forum (VAEF).

Have you registered yet for the Variance Africa Entrepreneurs Forum (VAEF)?

Don’t miss out!!!Share your business story and interact with an expert panel. Gain insights, tools and resources on the following topics:

1. Fundraising for Startups and Growth Businesses.

2. Sustainable Team Building, Business Relationships and Partnerships.

3. Business Management, Corporate Governance and Value Creation.

4. Defining and Implementing your Core business Strategy.

Event Details:

Theme: Bold Conversations for Shaping and Nurturing High Growth Entrepreneurs.

Date: Saturday, 21st November, 2020

Time: 10:00AM – 1:00PM

Venue: Workshed Spintex Whitehouse, 2nd Floor Republic Bank Building.

And now, introducing our event host/moderator for this event…

Meet Jennifer Ami Amlade, (Broadcast Journalist).

Jennifer’s intellectual ability to probe and ask thought-provoking questions is just the right blend to help you get the best out of our exciting Panel.

No need to wait!

Kindly visit http: //bit.ly/VAEntrepreneursForum to register.

For more information visit our website: http://www.varianceconsultltd.com

The Co-Founder Of POE International, Mr. Michael Emeane, Will Be Speaking On Core Business Strategy At this year’s Variance Africa Entrepreneurs Forum. Don’t Miss It.

Introducing our 2nd Speaker in our exciting Panel lineup for this year’s edition of the Variance Africa Entrepreneurs Forum scheduled to hold this November.

Meet Mr. Michael Emeaba @iam_poemack

Business Strategist and Co-Founder, POE International, as he shares his wealth of knowledge and expertise on the panel topic:

Defining and Implementing your Core Business Strategy

Date: 21st November, 2020

Time: 10:00AM – 1:00PM

Venue: Workshed, Spintex Whitehouse, 2nd Floor Republic Bank Building

Kindly visit http: //bit.ly/VAEntrepreneursForum to register.

For more information visit our website: http://www.varianceconsultltd.com

Is Your Current Job Right For You?


Many people are in jobs where they have mixed feelings about the job being right for them or not. The question on the mind of many employees is ‘is this job right for me?’ Well, this is a rhetorical question which can be answered by you if you take notice of the following;

First, you will know you are doing the right job when you really enjoy your work and get home often fulfilled and happy. This shows that you are really happy with your work and that you are at the right place. But, if you are always not happy about the job and always complaining about the slightest thing, then you are doing the wrong job.

Second, when the work or job best fit your skills and personality, it is right for you. If your skills, passion and values match your job, then it is right for you. This is because you will do the work with less struggle and comfortably carry out your duties. Nonetheless, if your skills do not conform with what you do, you will have struggles with carrying out your duties making the job not right for you.

Also, if you see a career path in your organization or growth in yourself, then the job is right for you. If the job you are doing may help you reach your future career ambitions or helps you to improve yourself in various regards, then it is right for you but if otherwise, then it may not be right for you.

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You can tell the job is right for you when you are contempt with the role you play and the salary you are given. Anytime you feel you are overworking and under paid, it means that you may be using too much of your potentials at a place which values them less. Hence, that job is not right for you. However, if you are happy with the amount of work you put in and the salary you are given, it means you are at the right place.

Your job is not right for you if your level of productivity is always lower than what is expected of you. Every employer expects some level of productivity form his or her employees, if yours is always lower than expected, it insinuates that your potentials are too low for such a job, hence, it is not right for you. Nonetheless, if your outputs are up to standards of your employer or even more, it means that you are doing the right job.

Additionally, your current job is right for you if you feel very secure at your work place. If going to work makes you happy because the environment is serene, friendly and safe, it means you are at the right place. If you have a cordial relationship with your co-workers giving you peace of mind anytime any time you are at work, then it is right for you. Otherwise, you are at the wrong place.

Furthermore, your current job is right for you when your welfare and wellbeing is important to your employers. Working at a place where your welfare is not of concern to your employers is very dangerous and is not right for you. However, if your welfare is crucial to the company then it is right for you.

You are doing the right job if your work does not seem like a burden to you but you easily carry out your duties. In carrying out your duties at work, you don’t find it burdensome but joyful, then you are doing the right job. On the other hand, if you find yourself constantly murmuring or angry at your own tasks for no reason, then you are at the wrong place. When you dread that weekends are coming to an end and you will have to go to work on Monday, it is a sign that you are not really interested in what you are doing hence, it is not right for you.

When your first response to the question ‘do you like your job?’ is a yes with some enthusiasm, then you are doing the right job. But, if you are not sure of your response, then it becomes evident that you have no or less interest in your job therefore, it is not right for you.

To conclude, it is essential to know if your current job is right for you or not in order to help you make necessary decisions. If you find out that your current job is not right for you, you need to carefully plan how to leave and how to find a right one. On the other hand, if it is right for you, stay and be happy.

Visit http://duttee.com to apply for the latest jobs in Ghana

Checkout These 8 Different Types Of Bosses And How To Work With Them.


There are lots of things that may affect your work potential. One among these is your boss. knowing the kind of boss, you have is a very important step in cultivating knowledgeable relationships with them. In spite of everything, bosses can dictate whether your stay with the company is going to be pleasurable or not. Getting on the right foot with your boss is critical for your career as well as your well-being. Considering this, it is crucial that you get to know the different types of bosses to work well with them. Here are 10 differing kinds of bosses, and the how you’ll be able to relate with them.
First, the visionary bosses. Visionary bosses tend to think a lot about the company’s potential, and also the future. They can not only predict what’s going to be hot in future, but also make ambitious plans to get there. Visionary bosses are innovative and experimental. They need plenty of ideas about which direction the company can take. Such bosses typically look for employees who are quick to take initiative, are self-driven enough to create their own growth path. More often than not, they would want you to come up with plans to achieve your self-development goals, and based on that, give you the needed support.
In order for you to endear yourself to a visionary boss, always try and help them achieve their ambitions. Help them understand their goal by making contributions, and by following it on a daily basis. Be a decent listener, demonstrate enthusiasm, and don’t be afraid to take risks. You’ll make mistakes but learn from them. Visionary bosses will appreciate you more for your risk-taking approach – instead of fail-safe approach. It’s best to approach them with bigger business decisions than smaller day-to-day issues. The key to working with them is to know their vision and be resourceful in helping your team and also the organization work towards it. If everything works out well, they’ll have you ever to thank.
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Second, the Workaholic: is a manager who, even after breaks, continues to work overtime. They are generally very keen to complete tasks on time, and to do this they will recommend additional working hours. Many of them are rarely going on sick days, or taking leave of the office. Working under a workaholic manager is often stressful, especially if you’re not one. There’s a high chance it’ll greatly impact on your work life balance. If you would like to flourish under this kind of management, confirm you complete your deliverable on time. They’re going to have no reason to carry you back for more work.
Third, Micro Managers: These are dreaded in any workplace. Most bosses tend to become micro managers whenever the company is making losses. They will start concentrating on every single action you make, be it work or non-work related. They might concentrate on things like how long you took during lunch, what amount of work you’ve been able to deliver in a day or how much time you’ve spent on the phone, there is a very close monitoring. In such a situation, don’t take their over-involvement personally. Just do your work normally. If this is your boss type, the best solution is to make them busy. The only way to do this is by making sure you complete your work in time. They will have so much work to review that they will forget about micro managing.
Fourth, the traditionalists: These bosses tend to adhere to old company traditions, and they may mostly bring this up during meetings. They have probably been in the company for a very long time and they don’t take kindly to change. You should be careful never to argue with a traditionalist boss, always be receptive to their ideas. You never know, some of their archaic methods might actually work and yield good results. If ever there’s an easier way of executing a task, you can bring it to their attention in a polite manner. They don’t like to feel challenged. They’ll get more receptive to your ideas and opinions once they feel you’re receptive to theirs.
Fifth, the intimidator: These bosses are often called dictators as well. They resort to intimidation tactics, such as yelling, when communicating with their employees. They will definitely scold you if you fail to perform in a satisfactory manner. A good way to deal with managers like this is to make sure you do your work. Never give them reasons for shouting at you. Communicate with them about the work that you do if necessary, but don’t yield to their methods of coercion. They are going to come and thank you for that. As in the case of the micro-managers, never take it personally, It’s always about the job.
Sixth, the Unpredictable Boss: If you have an unpredictable boss, then there’s not much that you can do. These bosses’ actions are hard to predict. Although they may be happy with something today, tomorrow may not necessarily be the same. That means you’ll just have to break into a sweat every time you report to them. The only way you can try to alleviate their “unpredictability” is by making sure you are doing your job as expected.


Seventh, the Under-Qualified boss: This boss is one who is less educated than you, or knows little about the company and its processes. These bosses tend to be the creation of their own employees, since they will rely on you to provide information they might not be aware of. Never underestimate or undermine their power. Keep them close, and explain things they might not be aware of. Once they get up to speed with everything, they will have you to thank. If top management feels that they are underperforming, chances are you might be promoted to their position. It will always be a win-win situation for you.
Eighth, the Pacesetter: They mostly set challenges for their team to meet and expects the best outcome. They are not afraid to work hard to rescue a situation themselves. To work with such a boss, you should work hard and aim to be the best you can be, ask for clarifications on what you need to do and always share clear and regular progress updates.

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In conclusion, there isn’t anything that you can do to change your office boss. We do have to follow their own goals, and they must do their utmost to attain them. Be modest, and from these you will learn a lot. Whatever group they are in, there is one attribute that they have that you can come to appreciate.

Feeling Stuck? Checkout These Interview First Impression Tips (What You Should Know).


An interview is often a structured conversation coupled with questions and answers about a particular phenomenon. Interviews are mostly carried out in the employment or hiring process. As the saying goes ‘first impression counts’, the first impression your interviewer gets about you most often than not becomes a long-lasting impression therefore it is very essential to leave good first impressions with people you come across with.

It is often said that an impression is gotten within the first few minutes of the interview but the bottom line is that you should leave a good impression before leaving the interview room. There are therefore some tips you should know in order to leave the best first impressions when you go for interviews.

First, your appearance to the interview matters a lot. Thus, your dressing, make up, neatness and all that is noticed at first sight. Your dress should not be too tight or too loose, it should just fit. It must be official, appropriate (for the particular role you are vying for) and professional. People normally say, ‘you are addressed the way you dress’ meaning your appearance can go a long way to tell much about you. This does not connote that you should wear sophisticated clothes but do well to give your best shot at it. Your perfume should be very light and okay, not one that takes over the whole room. Your shoes should be neatly polished and your attire neatly ironed. Your make up should also be light and okay. It should not be overly done as it may take up all the attention. In all, look professional.

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Also, your timing should be checked. One important tip to making a very good first impression is making it a point to report to the venue of your interview on time. You should be there at least 10-15 minutes before the time scheduled. This gives the impression that you can be reliable and prompt at carrying out your duties. You arriving late for an interview is a very big red flag you are raising to your employers. It means you are unreliable and cannot demonstrate promptness in everything you do.
Moreover, act confidently. Demonstrating confidence makes you seem up and doing and knowing what you are about. Enter the interview room with your head up with a beautiful smile, greet and offer a firm handshake. As much as possible do not carry your phone to the interview room but if you do, remember to put it off or on dead silence in order to avoid any interruptions. More importantly, practice very well before attending the interview. Get someone or people who is/are highly intellectual, get some sample questions and try out some rehearsals a couple of times before attending the interview. This may help boost your confidence level and make you more relaxed. In answering the questions posed to you, do not fret.

Do not act confused and not knowing what to say. Confidently attempt the question if even you have no idea about it. You may not get that answer right but your confidence may impress.
To make a good impression at an interview, you should carry along with you, a portfolio. That is, hard copies of your resume, cover letters, certificates and others that are relevant for your application.

You must also have much insight in the position you are applying for and the company at large. Carry out much research and get your facts right. This will make you look ready for the job. You should also look out for the people who will sit on the panel to interview you before attending the interview. You may go through their LinkedIn accounts to get their names right and at least get an idea of who they are before attending the interview.

Lastly, know why you are there. Many people fail to precisely state why they are at the interview. You should be able to tell the interviewer how your expertise could contribute to the success of the company. In short, your answer should go beyond ‘I am here for an interview’
In conclusion, you should be kind and give pleasant remarks. Do not be rude even if a comment passed by the interviewer does not go down well with you. Leaving a very good impression at an interview is a step closer to your hiring therefore give your best shot it.

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DURATION: 3 days ( 1 and half hours).

LOCATION: Zoom (Online Class).


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IDEAL CANDIDATES: Company Founders.

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Application Link: https://bit.ly/foundersschool

Application Period: 27th April, 2020 to 11th May, 2020.

Connect With Pasl:

Instagram: @paslglobal

You Wanna Build A Sustainable Product Or Service Solution? Join This Value Creation Masterclass.

As an entrepreneur or business owner, understanding that businesses exist to create value is key to achieving scale and growth. Want to learn more about strategy development, business modelling, analytics and storytelling for your business? Are you faced with the decision to revise your business model, disrupt your existing market or enter into a new market? Or perhaps you’re thinking of how to build a sustainable product or service solution to engage your target market; then this masterclass is for you.

What You’ll Learn.
1. How to Identify Innovation Opportunities.
2. How to Enter into a New Market.
3. How to undergo Product and Market Testing.
4. How to build a simple winning strategy for your business.

Rate: FREE!!!
Location: ONLINE.
Time & Date: Saturday, 2nd May, 2020 11AM to 1PM GMT

Kindly Register Below:


For enquiries: Kelvin – +233247156841 (WhatsApp Only). 

Kindly follow us on Facebook & Twitter: @varianceconsult

Don’t Give Up! Failure is Feedback – Odeyale Tobiloba, The Millennial Catalyst, Shares in An Exclusive Interview With SammytheAuthor.

Whatever challenges you’re facing, is never permanent; it’s temporary. Don’t let your Pain decieve You; You’re more than a Conqueror. Stay Focused and Continue Building. Today on Exclusives with SammytheAuthor, an Inspiring Nigerian Bright Light, shares with us, his life story and career as a Creative and Millennial Catalyst. Checkout the Interview below.

1: Who is Mr. Skinni Tobi?

Skinny Tobi is a bright light, I help young creatives see the positive in their negatives, to help them see that there’s better & believe they were born for a greater cause.

2: Tell us a bit about yourself (Family, Education, Career etc.)

I am the 2nd of 4 children (2 girls & 2 boys😃😃) , precisely, the first male child.

Earlier on in my life, I knew I was different in everything from the rest of my siblings. I wasn’t the most intelligent, in fact, I always changed schools like i changed clothes due to one issue or the other so it wasn’t hard for me to be easily tagged the black sheep. I’m about 5’10, chocolate skinned, introverted and shy! I’m one person that accepts the labels before people even label me, that’s my greatest strength, which has really worked for me. I’m a dreamer and a rare breed of a creative! I’m selfless and I love social media! My love for social media has brought me to where I am today. I don’t just use social media like the average user, but I try to understand user behaviors, understand the platforms, see what works and use it to my advantage! As a result of my exploits on social media, punch Newspaper also featured me in April, 2018 (https://punchng.com/consistency-is-key-to-growing-a-business-odeyale/)

My university life is a huge part of my progress story today. Almost a decade in both Covenant university & Babcock university taught me a whole lot of lessons about life, most especially about failure. Thankfully, I was able to also gain clarity on what it is I should be doing with my life and what career path to take.

Over the years, I’ve created a couple of social media projects like “KaptionThis” and privileged to work with a couple of brands such as Krispy Kreme, UBA, Jumia, Nokia, UduXMusic, Coca-Cola, 5 Alive etc

3: Share with us things we need to consider in building self-confidence?

Self confidence is an inside job. Self confidence is knowing that whether people accept you for who you are or not, you’ll still be your best self. This is something I teach myself every day.

4: Why do you call yourself, the Millennial Catalyst?

Hahaha! Well, I did tag myself because I’m really passionate and fascinated about the affairs of creative, ambitious & purpose driven millennials. Since I am one myself, it’s very easy to spot persons like that, connect with them intelligently & be a part of their journey as much as possible. So I positioned myself as that person that fires up the millennials to become better version of themselves and to believe in their God given dreams & it wasn’t long before people started tagging me as a “Millennial Catalyst💥” as well.

Although it’s a tag name that might evolve as I’m in a stage where I gain more and more clarity each day.

5: As the Millennial Catalyst, what is your Drive, I mean what is your go-to source, when it comes to fulfilling your Purpose?

My go-to-source has to be my intuition. The voices in my head push me to come home to myself each day. Like I said earlier, I’m in a stage where I gain clarity each day and improving on myself and helping others improve on their journey as well! It’s sling game👊

6: What is your definition for Personal Branding? And what are some of the Steps you took in building your brand?

Personal branding is simply
you being branded/packaged/positioned to meet your tribe/ideal target audience/ideal customer, where they are online.

Personality + Branding

For starters, I didn’t even know what personal branding meant till sometime in June last year, prior to then, I was just all over the place and a random guy online (generalist). Then I met my mentor online, Dave Obada, who I learnt most of what I now know about personal branding.

I became more intentional about how I use my platforms, I started to zero in on what I know best to do and being unapologetic about it across platforms. Basically I’ll say, the steps I took to build my personal brand are; firstly, I realized I couldn’t continue being a generalist and I was tired of just playing around on the Internet. Secondly, I connected with a mentor and he taught me certain things. Thirdly, I immersed myself in podcasts, books and other materials that addressed personal branding and self development.

I’ll say those 3 steps changed the game for me.

7: Define Failure in three Words?

This will be hard. I’m very terrible with sticking to limited number of words when asked this type of question. Permit me to break this rule!

I was listening to Seth Godin last night and he said “If failure is not an option, then success is not an option” and if you think about this, it makes sense. because success is failing and failing again until you find the thing that works.

Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, but he also invented 99 other ways not to make a light bulb💡

My Point: Failure is Feedback.

8: What triggered the idea to start Through Millennial Eyes? What do you seek to achieve with it?

This is a mission similar to the “I have a dream” by Martin Lurther King mission!

“I Believe/Know” that one day every young person out there will be doing work they love and love what they do either with a degree or not!

Most persons has a dream when they were younger, but some where along the way, the world got it’s hands on them and they lost their way.

The goal? To drastically eradicate the depression and feeling unworthy or living an average life by most young persons today!

The “Through Millennial Eyes” is one that could be rebranded sometime soon though!

Connect With Him:

Instagram: @skinnytobi